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VMI Archives

Virginia Military Institute (VMI) Archives staff seek to create a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment for the VMI community and visitors. We support teaching, research, and study at VMI as our primary mission through our collections, services, and spaces. Our policies govern how we operate in fulfilment of this mission.

General Guidelines

  • We welcome inquiries by email, phone, letter, or in person, and we are committed to providing information as quickly as possible. Please keep in mind that we receive many inquiries every week and that we have a small staff. We respond to requests in the order in which they are received by us.
  • Please make your requests as specific as possible. While we make every effort to provide relevant information to those who are unable to visit the Archives to do their own research, the staff cannot undertake extensive research on behalf of individuals. The more focused your request, the better.
  • We prefer to send information electronically and can scan requested items; however, we reserve the right to decline to scan fragile documents or documents in bulk.

Collection Development

Our Collection Development Policy provides guidance for the development, selection, and maintenance of our collections.

Camera & Scanner Use

Our Camera & Scanner Use Policy provides camera and scanner use guidelines for researchers.

Records Disaster Plan

Our Records Disaster Plan provides guidance for disaster response and recovery.