Records Disposal consists of two major steps:
- Complete the Certificate of Records Destruction (RM-3 Form)
- Transfer records to the VMI Archives for destruction
Step 1: Complete the Certificate of Records Destruction (RM-3 Form)
All offices must complete the Certificate of Records Destruction (RM-3 Form) and submit it to the Head of Archives and Records Management before records can be destroyed. It is critical that offices do not destroy records before the Head of Archives and Records Management has approved the destruction of the records.
The General Schedules for Virginia should always be consulted before submitting any records for destruction. Please contact the VMI Archives for assistance in preparing records and the proper form before destruction.
Instructions for Completing the Certificate of Records Destruction (RM-3 Form)
The following three roles are required to authorize and report records destruction using the RM-3 Form:
- Form Creator (FC): Completes the RM-3 Form.
- Approving Official (AO): Affirms records can be destroyed.
- The AO is the person in your office or department (e.g., Chair, Dean, Manager, Director, Supervisor, etc.) who is most likely to know whether there is a hold in place on the records or be reasonably aware of one forthcoming. Examples of holds that would require continued retention of records might include ongoing litigation or investigation, audit, or a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. This person's approval affirms that there are no current or reasonably anticipated holds on the reported records.
- The RM-3 Form will route to the Approving Official for approval by email based on the information provided on the form by the Form Creator.
- Related video: RM-3 Training: Approving Official Walkthrough
- Records Officer (RO): Provides final approval for the destruction of records.
- The RO is VMI’s designated officer, Head of Archives and Records Management, who administers the process. The RO’s name will populate within the form through a drop box menu.
- Related video: RM-3 Training: Records Officer Walkthrough
The Completing the RM-3 Form document provides detailed written instructions about filling out the RM-3 Form and each of the three roles in the records approval process.
Note: Before Step 7, Submit the Completed Form, you may want to print the form to use as a box label when transferring the records.
Important Reminders
- You may have one or two of these roles (FC, AO, and/or RO). The names of at least two individuals must appear on the form to complete the approval process. One person cannot have all three roles.
- You can include up to 15 different record series on the same form.
- Records in the same series should be entered into a form only once, unless there is a gap in the date ranges or both analog and electronic destruction is being reported for the same series.
- Pending RM-3 Forms are deleted after 75 days of inactivity. Deleted forms cannot be reinstated and will require reentry and approval. Please do not submit forms unless the destruction can be completed within the 75-day timeframe.
Forms and Retention Schedules Resources
Step 2: Transfer Records to the VMI Archives for Destruction
Follow the steps below to transfer your records to the VMI Archives for destruction:
- Ensure that the Certificate of Records Destruction (RM-3 Form) has been sent to the AO.
- You can check the status of the RM-3 Form on the Library of Virginia’s In-Progress RM-3 Forms dashboard.
- Request empty boxes from the VMI Archives.
- Determine the number of boxes you need.
- One (1) box will hold approximately 1/2 of a file cabinet drawer of records.
- Submit a request to Physical Plant to have the boxes picked up from the VMI Archives and transferred to your department. Remember to include on your request.
- Pack the boxes.
- To ensure boxes are packed efficiently, records should be placed into boxes horizontally. Do not stack papers vertically in boxes.
- Do not overpack boxes.
- If a box cannot be easily lifted, it is too heavy.
- The lid should fit normally on the box.
- Folders should be able to slide in and out without tearing.
- Remove large metal binder clips, three-ring binders, hanging files, plastic containers, computer disks or other electronic media, or any other large non-paper objects.
- Paper clips and staples do not need to be removed.
- Taping lids to boxes containing records with confidential or sensitive information is permitted.
- Securing the lid with one piece of tape on each side of the box is sufficient.
- Excessive taping is prohibited.
- Label the boxes
- Affix a removeable label to each box. The label should include:
- Your name
- Department name
- RM-3 Form number
- Contents, including the Record Series Title and Number
- Box [Number] of [Total Boxes]
- Do not write on boxes in permanent marker.
- Return boxes to the Archives for destruction.
- Submit a request to Physical Plant to have the boxes picked up from your department and transferred to the VMI Archives. Remember to include on your request.