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ERH 102: Writing and Rhetoric, Lt. Col. Ticen

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Essay 2 Assignment: Writing a Rhetorical Analysis

For essay 2, you are to write a rhetorical analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. In addition to analyzing King's use of ethos, logos, and pathos, we will also research the original Kairotic moment of the speech, how it was first reported/analyzed, and how it is viewed today.

Assignment Requirements

  • 6 pages, typed double-spaced, 12-point font.
  • Rhetorical Analysis Structure, which includes:
    • An introduction which establishes the original, Kairotic moment for King’s speech
    • Your introduction needs to include a thesis which highlights your analysis of King’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos
    • The development of your thesis in body paragraphs which include examples and/or short quotations from the speech and contextual documents to develop and illustrate your points.
    • A discussion of how we see this speech 60 years after it was given—what is its significance in 2023/2024? How do we respond as “secondary audiences” to the speech?
    • A conclusion which wraps up your essay and comments on the significance of the argument you’ve presented via your rhetorical analysis.
  • 2–3 sources for providing cultural context, including one newspaper/magazine report published right after the speech
  • 1-2 sources which illustrate current analysis of and/or continuing significance of King’s speech
  • MLA citation style (both in-text citations along with Works Cited listing)
  • Careful proofreading of completed document


Your audience is your current professors here at VMI. You want to demonstrate to them your skills as a rhetorically savvy reader, researcher, and writer.

Occasion for this Essay

The occasion is the 60th anniversary of King’s speech.