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How to Submit an Interlibrary Loan Request

Contact Us

Tonya Moore, ILL Manager
Preston Library, Room 511D

Request via the Library's Search Tool

To submit an ILL request using the search tool:

  1. Execute your desired search in the search tool.
  2. If an item's Access options displays Request using interlibrary loan (ILL), then we do not own this material and you will need to submit an ILL for access. 
  3. Select Request using interlibrary loan (ILL).
  4. Log into your ILL Account using your VMI username and password.
    1. Once logged in, a pre-populated ILL request form will show, containing details about the material you want to borrow.
  5. Select Submit Request at the bottom of the form to submit your ILL request.

Request via Manual Submission

To manually submit an ILL request:

  1. Log into your ILL Account using your VMI username and password.
  2. Select your desired material type from the Borrowing Options or Other Borrowing options below shown in the middle of the page. 
  3. Fill out the associated request form.
  4. Select Submit Request at the bottom of the form to submit your ILL request.