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MA 330WX: History of Mathematics

Assignment 2

The second library assignment is designed to acquaint you with periodical literature. You are to turn-in a short synopsis of six papers on the History of Mathematics (both words are crucial) that you have looked up and read. Each synopsis is to contain:

  • Complete bibliographic details
    • Author
    • Title (in quotes)
    • Periodical name (underlined or in italics)
    • Volume
    • Date (in parenthesis following the volume number)
    • Pages
  • A short summary of the paper

The most interesting of these will be edited and distributed to the class so write a synopsis with an eye toward encouraging your peers to read the paper. Be honest, if the paper is boring or not well written, say so! A typical synopsis for a journal article is as follows:

Hogan, Edward
“Robert Adrain: American Mathematician”,Historia Mathematica, vol. 4 (1971), pp.157-172.
A very good, interesting biographical sketch concentration on Adrain’s publication of two journals, his teaching and his mathematics. Very easy to read.

The six articles are to come from at least 3 different periodicals (no books, magazines or websites) and deal with at least 3 different mathematical topics from different cultures of periods in history. You are encouraged to find your own journals. Some of the more common journals which cover the history of mathematics include: Historia Mathematica. Révue d’Historire des Mathématiques, Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, Archive for the History of the Exact Sciences, Isis and Science in Context.

Synopsis Meaning


from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A summary or brief statement giving a general view of some subject; a compendium of heads or short paragraphs so arranged as to afford a view of the whole or of principal parts of a matter under consideration; a conspectus.

Some Common History of Mathematics Journals

  • American Journal of Mathematics
    • Published by Johns Hopkins University Press. This journal "publishes articles of broad appeal covering the major areas of contemporary mathematics."  
  • Archive for History of the Exact Sciences
    • This journal analyzes the "historical course of mathematical and quantitative thought and the precise theory of nature, embracing as well their connections to experiment in the physical and modern biological sciences."
  • BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics
    • Published by Taylor & Francis. This journal promotes "research into the history of mathematics and to encourage[s] its use at all levels of mathematics education.
  • Historia Mathematica
    • Published by the International Commission on the History of Mathematics. This journal focuses on mathematics and its development in all cultures and time periods.
  • Isis: A Journal of the History of Science Society
    • Published by The University of Chicago Press. This journal features "scholarly articles, research notes and commentary on the history of science, medicine, and technology, and their cultural influences."
  • Science in Context
    • Published by Cambridge University Press. This journal has an "interdisciplinary approach to the study of science and its cultural development."
  • Bulletin of the British Society for the history of Mathematics
    • It is the Official Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics (BSHM), whose aims are to promote research into the history of mathematics and to encourage its use at all levels of mathematics education. 
  • Archive for the History of the Exact Sciences
    • ​​​​​​​The Archive for History of Exact Sciences casts light upon the conceptual groundwork of the sciences by analyzing the historical course of mathematical and quantitative thought and the precise theory of nature, embracing as well their connections to experiment in the physical and modern biological sciences. 
  • SIAM Review
    • Published by the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). This research journal "provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among mathematicians, engineers and scientists."